Monthly report: August 2024
Sollex best sellers, delivery accuracy, our customers, activities, charity
Sollex monthly report: Aug 2024
August 2024 was a 20% better sales month in terms of order intake for Sollex compared to August 2023. Billing was -6% compared to August 2023 which was a very good billing month. We have a well-stocked warehouse with many different knives and blades that are ready to shipped.
Delivery precision at Sollex in August 2024
August had a delivery accuracy of 90%. Out of a total of 154 deliveries, we had 16 deliveries that were delayed. Some were only a day or two late. However, I am sorry to report that we had two deliveries that were more than 10 days late compared to the communicated delivery date. These were custom-made knives where the holidays with the customer, suppliers and Sollex unfortunately collided with being able to deliver on time.
To ensure deliveries, many customers use our stock agreement where we stock ready-made knives for 24-hour deliveries instead of ordering via customer order where we manufacture to order or drawing.
On the last day of August, Sollex had 137,779 packages with approx. 536 different knives and blades in stock for immediate delivery. The total inventory value was approximately SEK 2.18 million. We want to offer quality products, have first-class customer service and continuously increase our inventory to ensure stable deliveries to customers.
Deliveries in August 2024
Sollex's customers are industrial production facilities, wholesalers and craft companies. We design, develop and deliver a wide range of industrial knives and razor blades that we stock in Malmö, Sweden. In August we received orders for these interesting knives and knife blades:
- Specially made circular knife for cutting down paper to be recycled in paper mills. The knife is 180mm in diameter and is ground to withstand the very abrasive properties of paper.
- 752.42, three-edged blade in carbon steel used in a Swiss textile manufacturing machine.
- P1071, Circular knife in quality steel with dimensions 74x16x1mm used to cut paper in warehouse packaging machines.
- 5K and 5Q: High quality stainless steel slitter blade with ceramic coating on the edges for best results when producing plastic film containing white plastics. 5K has rounded corners and 5Q has straight corners. The blade has an extreme durability and is very robust with its thickness of 0.38 mm. The blade has a fine-grained structure that ensures that the coating protects the edge for as long as possible.
- 5V: Top performance slitter blade in solid tungsten carbide with extremely good durability used by our customers to cut plastic film with PP (Polypropylene)
- 2plusS: Double-coated industrial razor blade with protective oxide layer. An elastic surface with a hard core structure makes the blade ideal for craftsmen. The Professional Razor Blade or as we actually call it the Industrial Razor Blade 2PlusS has been one of Sollex's faithful servants for many years. We have developed and improved the Professional Industrial Razor Blade and refined it into the third generation Professional blade. There is no better sharpness, durability and low price on the market.
- 9S better known as the short Stanley blade. We sell larger quantities of this knife blade to a company that opens a lot of boxes in a special way in a warehouse environment. The customer uses a self-made handle where Stanley's short straight knife blade fits.
Sollex monthly report: Apr 2024
April 2024 was a 44% better sales month in terms of order intake for Sollex compared to April 2023. Invoicing was +73% mainly due to a very strong February month. We have a relatively full stock with lots of knives and blades ready to ship.
Delivery precision at Sollex in April 2024
April had a delivery precision of 92%. Out of a total of 157 deliveries, we had twelve deliveries that were delayed. Some were only one or two days late. However, I am sad to report that we had four deliveries that were more than 10 days late compared to the communicated delivery date.
During the spring, we have had strong sales of our single-sided jumper sheets in PRO 100 packaging. Unfortunately, our production in the US has not been able to keep up. We now have a large inventory of 62-100p to secure future deliveries. A custom-made knife was stuck in UK customs for several weeks. In addition, we had problems delivering two custom knives on time.
To ensure deliveries, many customers use our warehouse agreement where we stock ready-made knives for 24-hour deliveries instead of ordering via customer orders.
On the last day of April, Sollex had 140942 packages of about 519 different knives and blades in stock for immediate delivery. The total stock value was approximately SEK 2.18 million. We want to offer quality products, have a first-class customer service and continuously increase our stock to ensure stable deliveries to customers.
Deliveries in April 2024
Sollex's customers are industrial production plants, wholesalers and craft companies. We design, develop and deliver a wide range of industrial knives and razor blades that we stock in Malmö, Sweden. In April we received orders for these interesting knives and blades.
- 950V: The 950V is a trapezoidal machine blade designed for the production of flexible and carton packaging in the food and beverage industry.
- Z52: A small 32 mm polygonal (decagonal) knife blade suitable for cutting carpets, fabric, fibers, felt and paper. The Z52 blade is manufactured by Sollex in carbide and corresponds to 500-9862 Summa Decagonal Knife, D32, Zünd Z52 3910337, Gerber MCT R52/ R52-V, Blumer E52, iEcho E52.
- P1011: A three meter long knife for cutting non-woven materials. Specially made by Sollex with serration to get an even amount of cuts in the non woven material.
- 975P: Our regular DIY knife blade for carpenters and craftsmen is featured on the Sollex top five products in April. It works really well when cutting drywall.
- Z10: Sollex Z10 is a knife to use in flatbed cutters, cutting tables, plotters and is similar to Zünd Z10/3910301, Esko BLD-DF212/G42441196, Summa 500-9802 ( but is 25mm long ), Gerber MCT DE12 /895012 / Colex T00312 and Atom 01033375 knife blades.
- 2000: Hand knife for cutting plaster and roofing felt. Suitable for professionals in roofing and construction. Large enough to be handled with gloves and designed to reduce wear on the user's wrist.
- 5K: High quality stainless steel slitter blade with ceramic coating on the edges for best results in the production of plastic film containing white plastics. The blade has an extreme durability and is very robust with its thickness of 0.38 mm. The blade has a fine-grained structure which ensures that the coating protects the edge for as long as possible.
- 2plusS: Double coated industrial razor blade with protective oxide layer. A resilient surface with a hard core structure makes the blade ideal for craftsmen. The Professional Razor Blade or as we actually call it the Industrial Razor Blade 2PlusS has been one of Sollex's faithful servants for many years. We have developed and improved the Professional Industrial Razor Blade and refined it into the third generation Professional blade. There is no better sharpness, durability and low price on the market.
- 180P: Sollex PRO blades are optimized to make fine cuts and last a long time. Applications include cutting cardboard, wallpaper and polymeric materials. They also work perfectly for flooring materials, polyurethane, elastomers and integrated products. The blades also retain their sharpness, making them suitable for the professional user with high demands on quality and durability.
- Z46: High quality solid carbide drag blade for use in Zünd, ESKO, Summa, Gerber, Colex digital cutting machines. Blade suitable for cutting flexible and soft materials.
Sollex monthly report: Mar 2024
March 2024 was -50% sales month when it comes to order bookings for Sollex compared to March 2023. Invoicing was -7%. It has to be mentioned that March mostly due to a very strong December month. We have a relatively full warehouse with lots of knives and blades ready to be shipped.
Shipment precision at Sollex March 2024
March had a shipment precision of 95%. Out of 137 shipments in total, we had six shipments that were late.
Four of these shipments were more than ten days late. Again seldom used safety knife, and three special made machine knife were that late. To secure shipments many customers use our warehouse agreement where we stock finished knives for 24h deliveries instead of ordering on customer orders.
On the last day of February, Sollex had 129034 packages with approx. 507 different knives and blades in stock for immediate delivery. The total stock value was about 2,8 million more or less the same as one month ago. We want to offer quality products, have a first-class customer service and continuously increase our inventory to ensure stable shipments to customers.
Shipments in March 2024
Sollex customers are industrial production units, wholesales, and craft companies. We design, develop, and ship a wide range of industrial knives and razor blades that we keep in stock in Malmö, Sweden.

In March we got orders for these interesting knives and blades:
- 10P: Quality hook blades for the professional user. Quality steel with high chromium content. Ice hardened, grinded, and polished. Also available with titanium coating 10PT for improved performance and durability.
- 10622-13: Extra short straight blades are used to cut simple cutting, plastics and packaging materials. The blades fit the standard utility knives.
- 180LUS: Sollex blade 180LUS is extra sharp and suitable when a particularly fine cut is desired. Example of application is in food production where no segments of the knife may be lost.
- 2-013-K: Thin, high quality industrial razor blade with ceramic coating on the edge for industrial manufacturing of plastic film. Optimized for cutting white plastics with a high percentage of chalk. Fine grain structure ensures that the coating protects the edge for as long as possible. High durability and performance.
- 5Z: High quality slitter blade in stainless steel with zero-friction coating on the edge for best result in production of plastic film, when cutting thin, stretched plastics. The blade has a fine grain structure which ensures that the coating will protect the edge for as long as possible. High performance and durability.
- 1-020-K: Ceramic coated industrial razor blade that is adapted for plastic film production. Fine grain structure allows the coating to protect the blade edge as long as possible. Ceramic coated industrial razor blades ideal for cutting white plastic film or high chalk content foil.
Sollex monthly report: February 2024
February 2024 was a 9% better sales month when it comes to order bookings for Sollex compared to February 2023. Invoicing was +2% mostly due to a very strong December month. We have a relatively full warehouse with lots of knives and blades ready to be shipped.
Shipment precision at Sollex February 2024
February had a shipment precision of 91%. Out of 135 shipments in total, we had twelve shipments that were late. Some were just one or two days late. But I am sorry to report that we had three shipments that was more than 10 days late compared with communicated delivery date.
One was a large Slice safety knife order and two were large sold tungsten carbide special made products. We have a stated goal that we will try to shorten our delivery times on special items but it seems to take longer time the more different designs we make. To secure shipments many customers use our warehouse agreement where we stock finished knives for 24h deliveries instead of ordering on customer orders.
On the last day of January, Sollex had 135747 packages with approx. 504 different knives and blades in stock for immediate delivery. The total stock value was about 2,8 million SEK. 4% more than December 2023. We want to offer quality products, have a first-class customer service and continuously increase our inventory to ensure stable shipments to customers.
Shipments in February 2024
Sollex customers are industrial production units, wholesales, and craft companies. We design, develop, and ship a wide range of industrial knives and razor blades that we keep in stock in Malmö, Sweden.
In February we got orders for these interesting knives and blades:
- 950V: 950V is a Trapezoid machine blade designed for production of flexible and carton packaging in the food and beverage industry. 950V has two cutting sides, allowing material to be cut while the blade makes horizontal cuts and moves forward and backward. This 950V knife is made of the highest quality tungsten carbide, ensuring long lifetime with sharpness and wear resistance.
- 2000: Hand knife for cutting drywall and roofing felt. Suitable for roofing and construction professionals. Large enough to handle with gloves and designed to reduce wear on the user's wrist. Simple device that makes it easy and convenient to replace the blade.
- 2plusS: Double edged industrial razor blade with protective oxide layer. An elastic surface with a hard core makes the blade perfect for craftsmen. The Professional Razor Blade or as we actually call it the Industrial Razor Blade 2PlusS has been a Sollex stalwart for many years. We have developed and improved the Professional Industrial Razor Blade and refined it in the third generation Professional blades. There is no better sharpness, durability,a nd low price on the market.
- 180P: Sollex cutter blades PRO optimized for cutting fine cuts and keeping a long durability. Examples of applications is cuts in cardboard, wallpaper and polymer materials. They also work perfectly for flooring materials, polyurethane, elastomers and integral products. The blades also maintain their sharpness, which is why they are appropriate for the professional user with high demands on quality and durability.
- Z46: High quality drag flat-stock blade in solid tungsten carbide for application in Zünd digital cutters. Blade for light and soft materials.
- 5K: High quality slitter blade in stainless steel with ceramic coating on the edge for best result in production of plastic film containing white plastics. The blade has an extreme durability, and is very robust with its thickness of 0.38mm. The blade has a fine grain structure which ensures that the coating will protect the edge for as long as possible.
- 5X: High quality slitter blade in stainless steel, where the entire blade has been coated with a ceramic coating. Optimizes for slitting plastic film with many drudge additives. Work well when slitting printed materials. Very high performance and durability.
Sollex monthly report: Jan 2024
January 2024 was a 2% better sales month when it comes to order bookings for Sollex compared to January 2023. Invoicing was -30% mostly due to a very strong December month. We have a relatively full warehouse with lots of knives and blades ready to be shipped.
Shipment precision at Sollex January 2024
January had a shipment precision of 94%. Out of 132 shipments in total, we had nine shipments that were late. These shipments were 2, 2, 2, 5, 14, 9, 4, 5 days late. Some of these shipments were custom made. We have a stated goal that we will try to shorten our delivery times on special items. To secure shipments many customers use our warehouse agreement where we stock finished knives for 24h deliveries instead of ordering on customer orders.
On the last day of December, Sollex had 135270 packages with approx. 504 different knives and blades in stock for immediate delivery. The total stock value was about 2,8 million SEK. 4% more than December 2023. We want to offer quality products, have a first-class customer service and continuously increase our inventory to ensure stable shipments to customers.
Shipments in January 2024
Sollex customers are industrial production units, wholesales, and craft companies. We design, develop, and ship a wide range of industrial knives and razor blades that we keep in stock in Malmö, Sweden.
In January we got orders for these interesting knives and blades:
- P898V: a pointed knife like Atom 40505 but with rounded tip made in solid tungsten carbide. This blade is mounted in a super sonic oscillating robot and is used for cutting non-woven materials.
- 762V: a pointed knife like Martor 762 but made in solid tungsten carbide for extra long durability. This blade is used in a packaging machine inserting smal inserts in a cardboard sheet before it is used as packaging by a major Electronic distributor.
- P813: Medtech companies have extreme requirements on special injection tools in solid tungsten carbide. Sollex excels in producing and shipping top quality tools for plastic injects with extreme tolerances +/-0,01 and smoothness Ra 0,02 micro meters.
- Z46: A stable blade like Zund Z46 / 4800073 is usable for many cutting projects in the Graphic and printing industry. Mounted in a plotter machine the Z46 blade cuts soft and tough materials effortlessly.
- 1512: This very practical tiny pelican foil cutter knife 1512 was sold in a record quantity to a very large food producer in Italy.
- 1-020-K: The rounded ceramic coated razor blade 1-020-K is a stable Sollex product which cuts film with white pigments beautifully. Performance wise the straight version should be better but people like to hold the rounded version.
- 642K: The fantastic Sollex injector blade 642K is very usable and helpful when you want to have a small very durable blade placed in a tight position. 642K fits all over and is just 8mm high. The Sollex K coating protects the blade edge so that you will be guaranteed a long life time.
- 5K: Ceramic coated slitter blade optimized for slitting film with white additives or added chalk. Probably Sollex best seller during the last ten years. Always great to have among top five sold products.