Our Policy

Work Environment Policy

We strive for a work environment that is characterized by respect and trust for each individual, and that is safe and inspiring. A good working environment means that we not only minimize the risk of injury, but also that the staff thrive and have the opportunity to develop in their work.

Quality Policy

Sollex's main competitive advantage is high quality and a quest for zero defects. This means that design, development, manufacturing and delivery must be based on the requirements of our customers, society and our employees.

Environmental & Sustainability Policy

We strive for a holistic approach to the environment and are actively engaged in integrating sustainability into our processes. Where technically feasible, economically reasonable and environmentally beneficial, we promote circular thinking and continuous development in our environmental work. Our environmental policy is a living process that is constantly evolving and improving.

Sollex works tirelessly to create environmentally sustainable solutions. We recycle packaging, compost our organic waste, avoid unnecessary travel and minimize our transportation to reduce our environmental impact.

Anti-Corruption Policy

We condemn all forms of corruption and are committed to acting in accordance with the highest ethical standards and applicable laws. We do not tolerate bribes, favours or unofficial payments to any individual or organization. We strive for transparency, fairness and accountability in all our business relationships and expect the same standards from our business partners and suppliers.

Human Rights Policy & UNGPs

We are committed to respecting and supporting human rights as set out in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP). We commit to avoid contributing to or being complicit in human rights abuses in all our operations and relationships. By promoting diversity, equality and social responsibility, we work towards a fair and sustainable world for all.

Responsible Minerals Policy

We strive to ensure that all minerals used in our operations are extracted and managed responsibly. We are committed to supporting initiatives to ensure traceability and transparency in the supply chain and respect international human rights and environmental standards in the extraction and trade of minerals.

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