Sollex plotterblad passar Zund Summa Digital Cutter Plottermaskiner - Sollex blogg

Zund & Summa Blades Fit Various Digital Cutting Machines

Learn which plotter knives that are mutually interchangeable and suitable for Zund & Summa digital cutting machines.


  1. CNC digital cutters
  2. Zund modules, tools, blades
  3. Blades for Zund cutters
  4. Summa modules, tools, blades
  5. Knives for Summa, Zund
  6. Order blades online

CNC Digital Cutting Machines

Summa Flatbed Cutting Table and Summa Vinyl Cutter Plotter - Sollex BlogCNC digital cutters include several types of computer-controlled cutting machines which are called plotter cutters, flatbed cutting plotter tables, fully automatic flatbed cutter plotters or board cutter machines. These machines are used by Sign and Print companies in the graphic industry to cut a wide range of materials such as corrugated cardboard, honeycomb, adhesive vinyl, PVC banner, plastic film, plastics, textiles, wood, foam, and other materials. CNC digital cutting machines are very versatile and are used for the prototyping and production of packaging, displays, signage, textile products, and many other applications. Because the Digital Cutting Systems are modular, it makes it possible to cut and process many different materials. 

Materials for cutting on CNC Digital Plotter Cutters

Paper / Corrugated Cardboard


Sandwich Board / Honeycomb Board

Corrugated Plastic

Cardboard/ Corrugated cardboard / Folding carton

Fabrics/ Polyester fabric / Non woven fabrics

Films / Window Film

Felt, Non-Woven

Tarpaulin / Laminated Fabrics / Canvas

PVC Banner / Mesh Banner / Sandblast Material / Reflective Sheeting

Glass fiber


Foam Board/ Foam / Hardfoam


PVC banner / PVC

Polycarbonate / Polypropylene

Vinyls / Reflective vinyls / Adhesive vinyl / Adhesive PVC banner vinyl


Soft Metals


Blades for Digital Cutting Systems and Plotter Cutters - Sollex blogSome of the manufacturers of plotter cutting systems and flatbed cutting tables include Zund, Summa, Graphtec, Kongsberg, Mimaki.

Today, flatbed cutting tables are very popular in the digital cutting field. The most popular tables are Kongsberg by Esko, Zund, Summa for the production of graphics, advertising, flexible packaging and other marketing products. 

Esko manufactures several series of Kongsberg flatbed cutting tables, and the XN and XP series are mainly used in the sign, print and display industry. Flexible films and vinyl are easy to cut with the XN series, and the XP series is suitable for corrugated board and packaging, and tends to be faster.

At manufacturer Zund, the main fully automated flatbed cutter plotters are the G3 series cutters. They manage to cut thick materials up to 110mm thick, such as corrugated cardboard, carton, foam, multilayer materials and corrugated plastic. Read our overview on Zund Cutters in our blog post “Zund Digital Cutting Systems Overview” 

Summa has also recently developed the F-Series flatbed cutting plotter tables. These are designed to cut materials ranging from vinyl to corrugated board. Material can be fed during the cutting process via a pneumatically driven conveyor belt. The F1612 board cutter machine has a cutting range of 160x120 cm, the larger flatbed plotter F2630 can cut a range of 265x305 cm.

Despite the differences between cutters from different manufacturers, there are however some similarities. For example, all cutter tables are modular and usually contain different modules and cutting tools, which in turn are equipped with blades and knives for cutting a specific material and in a specific way. You will notice below that cutters from different manufacturers use the same cutting techniques and tools and therefore can interchange knives from different manufacturers, some of which we will list below.

Digital flatbed cutting tables by Zund, Esko, Summa - Sollex blog

Zund Cutter Modules, Tools & Blades

Zund offers a large variety of modules and tools, each of which is optimally suited for a particular material.

Zund Cutting Tools - Overview - Sollex blog

  • Zund Cutter Modules: Universal Modules UM, Kiss-cut Module KCM, Router Modules RM, Punch Modules PM, Marker Modules MAM, Laser Module LM 
  • Zund Cutter Tools: Universal cutting tool UCT, Kiss Cut Tool KCT, Electric Oscillating Tool EOT, Driven Rotary Tool DRT, Pneumatic Oscillating Tool POT, Press Cutting Tool PCT, V-Cutting Tool VCT 

Plotter Blades for Zund Cutters

Sollex manufactures plotter knives in tungsten carbide - Sollex blogIn general, there are the following types of blades for Zund Cutters: drag blades, oscillating blades, rotary blades.

Drag blades

Drag knives are used in non-powered tools such as UCT, KCT, VCT, SCT, C2, insertion sleeve 40. Suitable for cutting foil, paper, thin folding cartons, banners, etc.

  • Round-stock blades (C2, C2P, KCT, KCM-S): Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, Z7
  • Flat-stock blades (UCT, SCT, insert sleeve 40): Z6, Z10, Z11, Z44, Z46, Z101, Z102, Z103, Z83
  • V-cut blades: Z70, Z71, Z701, Z73
  • Mat-cutting blades (PPT): Z30, Z33, Z34, Z35

Oscillating blades

Oscillating blades used in EOT/POT oscillating tools for cutting thick and tough materials. 

  • Oscillating blade – pointed: Z16, Z17, Z20, Z21, Z22, Z60, Z66, Z601, Z606, Z608
  • Oscillating blade – flat: Z26, Z41, Z42, Z61, Z62, Z63, Z64, Z68, Z69, Z82, Z201, Z202, Z203, Z204, Z603, Z605, Z607

Rotary blade

Rotary blades - decagonal blades - are used in DRT/PRT tools for cutting breathable materials such as textile, carbon fiber, glass fiber, etc.

Rotary blades: Z50, Z51, Z52, Z53

Summa F-Cutter Modules, Tools & Blades 

Knives T 36 T45 T60 for Summa cutting plotter - Buy online at SollexSumma Series F tables can be equipped with 2 modules and different tools. Each individual tool uses different blades and knives. They are listed below.

  • Summa Modules for F-Series Flatbed Cutter: Drag Module, Tangential Module. 
  • Summa Flatbed Cutter Tools: Kiss Cutting Tool, Single Edge Cutout Tool, Double Edge Cutout Tool, Heavy Duty Cutout Tool, V-Cut Tools, Electronic Oscillating Tool, Pneumatic Oscillating Tool. 

Summa F Series Flatbed Cutter Knives

  • Drag Knife Module - Standard

( 391-231 - Drag Knife - 60°, 391-358 - Drag Knife - 55°, 391-360 - Standard Knife 36°)

  • Tangential Knife Module - OPTIONAL
  • Kiss Cutting Tool( 390-534 - Tangential Knife 36°, 390-550 - Tangential Knife 60°, 390-551 - Tangential Double Tip Knife 36°, 390-560 - Tangential Knife 45o wedge 40/25°)
  • Single Edge Cutout Tool ( 500-9801 - Single Edge Cutout Knife 65°)
  • Double Edge Cutout Tool ( 500-9802 - Double Edge Cutout Knife 50°, 500-9803 - Double Edge Cutout Knife 60°, 500-9804 - Double Edge Cutout Knife 50° Burr-Free)
  • Heavy Duty Cutout Tool (500-9807 - Heavy-Duty Cutout Knife 45° - 90°)
  • V-Cut Tools (500-9825 - V-Cut Blade 0.9 mm, 500-9826 - V-Cut Hard Metal)
  • Electronic Oscillating Tool (500-9800 - EOT L25 Knife 65°, 500-9810 - EOT L25 Knife 65° - 80°, 500-9811 - EOT L25 Knife 65° - 85°, 500-9813 - EOT L25 Knife 0° - 75°, 500-9812 - EOT L28 Knife 65° - 85°, 500-9815 -EOT L33 Knife 45° - 85°, 500-9814 -EOT L38 Knife 45° - 86°)
  • Pneumatic Oscillating Tool (500-9830 - POT Knife Flat Point L20 T0.63, 500-9831 - POT Knife Flat Point L27 T0.63, 500-9832 - POT Knife Flat Point L20 T1.5, 500-9833 - POT Knife Serrated L27 T1.0, 500-9834 - POT Knife Point L20 T1.0)

Sollex Tangential, EOT, POT, V-CUT, Rotary Knives for Summa and Zund Cutters

When working with a digital cutting machine, the cutting blade is of great importance. A good quality cutting blade will make the working process more enjoyable - but foremost it will lead to a better end result. We have compiled a table with some of the knives, which are also presented in our assortment, that are interchanged and used on both Zund and Summa cutters.

Sollex plotter blades for Zund & Summa Cutters

Summa Artnr


Sollex Artnr

Sollex Name

Tangential Knives


Summa 36° Tangential Blade


Knife like T36 for Summa cutters – 36° 2pcs


Summa 45° Dual Wedge Tangential Blade


Knife like T45 for Summa cutters – 45° 5pcs


Summa 60° Tangential Blade


Knife like T60 for Summa cutters – 60° 5pcs

Electric Oscillating Tool Knives


Summa 50° Double Edge Cutout Blade


Knife like Zund Z10 (3910301) 5pcs


Summa 60° Double Edge Cutout Blade


Knife type Summa 500-9803 60° 5 pcs


Summa Heavy Duty Cutout Blade


Knife like Zund Z46 (4800073) 5pcs


Summa Knife OT 65° -85° L25

Z20, Z22

Knife like Zund Z20 (3910313) 5pcs


Summa Knife OT 65° -85° L28


Knife like Zund Z21 (3910314) 5pcs


Summa Knife OT 45° -85° L38


Knife like Zund Z28 (3910318) 5pcs

Pneumatic Oscillating Knives


POT Knife Flat Point L20 T0.63


Knife like Aristo 07265 Ø 6mm 10pcs

V-CUT Tool Knives


V-Cut Blade, Hard Metal


Knife V-Cut like Zund Z71 (5006045) 5pcs

Rotary Knives


Summa Decagonal Knife, D25


Rotary knife like Zund Z50 Ø25mm (3910335) 5pcs


Summa Decagonal Knife, D32


Rotary knife like Zund Z52 Ø32mm (3910337) 5pcs

Order Knives for Flatbed Digital Cutter Tables and Plotters Online

We offer knives that are compatible with iEchoAristoAtomEskoKongsbergSummaZundJingwei JWEIElitronGerberMimaki. Sollex stocks the most common blades for plotter cutters but also can manufacture knives on demand. All of the knives we offer online are currently in use or have been tested by our customers. If you don't find what you are looking for, Sollex will design the right knife for you. 

Sollex is a Swedish supplier of industrial knives and machine blades! We have cutting products with cutting-edge technology and performance that improve manufacturing and converting processes and solve problems. With the right knives and blades you can get simplified maintenance, time savings and an improved end product.

You are welcome to contact us with your questions:

Company name: Sollex AB

Customer service and orders:

Telephone: +4635–15 75 00

Address: Box 5161, 200 71, Malmö, Sweden

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